Exquisite & Irresistible Kosher Desserts

חגיגה לפה ולעיניים

What Were They Thinking?

Arm cast cake

Instead of focusing on a particular cake this week, I thought I’d mention a few that didn’t make it – and some that probably shouldn’t have made it – past the drawing board. Specifically, those what-were-they-thinking cake orders placed by people who (a) clearly had no idea what they wanted (b) may have imbibed too much tequila or (c) were simply giddy with excitement at the thought of mashing as many themes together as possible.

A Temptations cake is generally a collaborative effort, with customers proposing an idea and including as much or as little detail as they’d like, while I do my best to make it happen. I will admit that there have been times when I’ve gently steered someone away from an outrageous, inappropriate or simply impossible idea (childbirth, the Titanic, exploding volcano). I’ll also occasionally make suggestions based on feasibility, the principles of physics and engineering, aesthetic appeal and practicality – but all with the caveat that ultimately I will bow to their “better” judgment.

So when I received an order for “someone who just broke his arm, and could use a laugh,” I came up with the cake featured above.

And for someone celebrating the “death” of a project at work,


And for the woman who wanted an R-rated cake for her husband’s birthday…..well, never mind.

But what to do for those head-scratching orders where there are simply too many unconnected ideas to seamlessly incorporate into one cake? For example, the woman who ordered a cake with a Noah’s ark, a guitar, and a gymnast(!) In spite of my best efforts, I could find no way to thematically tie them all together, and ended up with this unusual result.


(By the way, none of this is meant to discourage customers’ creative suggestions. I love a good challenge – try to stump me!)

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(9722) 563-9668


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Previous Cakes of the Week: