Exquisite & Irresistible Kosher Desserts

חגיגה לפה ולעיניים

The Girl Next Door

girl next door cake

This was an occasion when a parent couldn’t settle on a theme – either that or the daughter is just so multi-faceted – so we ended up including all of them!

Leora is a seminary student, so she can be seen here (in pink top, purple skirt) hard at work with her study partner, poring over a page of Talmud.


Leora and her friends are very fond of the iced coffee at Aroma. Here they are indulging in their favourite treat, and lounging on the Aroma logo.


Not one to spend all her time in cafes though, here’s Leora running through the streets of Jerusalem, with the Old City walls, David’s Citadel, and palm trees as her backdrop.


And just for fun, let’s throw in some hearts and loads of glitter!

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(9722) 563-9668


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