Exquisite & Irresistible Kosher Desserts

חגיגה לפה ולעיניים

Your Name In Lights

stage cake

This post marks the 92nd entry in the Cake Of The Week blog(!). When I was first introduced to the concept of a blog, I couldn’t foresee any circumstance in which I’d choose to hold forth publicly on any topic, particularly not week after week. It’s been an interesting experience and frequently a challenge to come up with fresh ideas and appealing (I hope) anecdotes.

Over the years, many people have approached me with their own ideas on how to improve my site, my business, my wardrobe….So now’s your chance: I am opening up this column to guest bloggers, and invite you to submit a Cake Of The Week entry. Feel free to write about any of the hundreds of cakes that appear on this site, or send in a photo of your own creation. Anything on the subject of cakes will be gladly entertained. Use your own voice, indulge your imagination, wax rhapsodic about your favourite sweet indulgence, or share childhood reminiscences. I will credit you (or use whatever nom de plume you choose, in the event that you prefer to remain anonymous).

Really, who wouldn’t want their own blog? I can guarantee you the same loyal readership that follows this blog on a regular basis. You may send in as many submissions as you wish. Enter here.

Order This Cake Now

  [email protected]

(9722) 563-9668


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Previous Cakes of the Week: