Exquisite & Irresistible Kosher Desserts

חגיגה לפה ולעיניים

Happy Anniversary

anniversary silhouette cake

This post marks the first anniversary of the Temptations Cake of the Week blog. When I began, I doubted I’d have enough material to last a handful of weeks. And further, I wondered who would really be interested in reading about the intricacies and challenges of cake decorating. Well, 51 posts later, I know for a fact that it’s not just my mother reading this anymore. But in honour of my first reader and greatest fan, I am re-posting this entry from last March, in case you had the misfortune to miss it.


Still Going Strong

I’ll admit, I’ve never been a fan of edible images. Where’s the art, the creativity, the hours of painstaking work? While I can see how it might be fun to have a photo of yourself on a cake, isn’t it just a little bit unsettling to take a bite out of your face?

Well, my reservations flew out the window when I began contemplating a 50th anniversary cake for my parents. How to sum up a truly inspirational marriage on 12 square inches of cake?

I started with a sweet photo from their wedding in 1962. I guess customs were different then and the bedecking was a more intimate affair. In a moment of folly my father went with a white satin kippa. My mother’s dress is simple and elegant.

The sides of the cake show snapshots from a life together – courtship, romance, marriage proposal, wedding, children, getting older.

anniversary side1 anniversary side2 anniversary side3 anniversary side4

Nobody did end up eating the actual photo, by the way.

Order This Cake Now

  [email protected]

(9722) 563-9668


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Previous Cakes of the Week: