Exquisite & Irresistible Kosher Desserts

חגיגה לפה ולעיניים

Falling For Each Other

shepherd wedding cake

I guess the day after Yom Kippur is as good a day as any to get married. Maybe even better than most. You’ve just cleansed your soul, nobody’s really working until “after the chagim” anyway, you’ve only grown slightly tired of your family. But for crying out loud, how about a little consideration for the wedding cake maker?!  What is this crazy trend? Deep breaths.

bride and groom

This cake design might strike you as a slightly odd confluence of elements. But it actually makes perfect sense. The groom’s name is Ro’i, Hebrew for my shepherd,


and the bride is Maayan, the word for spring. It’s quite a literal cake, it’s true. But if it means I get to make an adorable shepherd instead of a guy in a tux, and a little herd of sheep to go with him, you’ll hear no complaints from this quarter.

bride waterfall

The greatest challenge was creating the waterfall. I’ve made several waterfalls before, but I wanted this one to be slightly understated, appropriate for a wedding celebration. I’m not sure I actually achieved that. I did try a new method for expressing rushing water, which was to cut rents in the fondant in an arbitrary manner. This would, I thought, give the impression of sheets of splashing water, rather than one uninterrupted piece. Then I piled it all at the bottom to create a swirling pool, or that was the idea anyway.


On a slightly irrelevant note:

 It’s Jewish tradition for the couple to fast on their wedding day. “Because it is a day of forgiveness, it is considered a day of spiritual inventory and of repentance, akin to Yom Kippur—as represented by the fasting, the wearing of white, and the recitation of the confession at prayers (vidui and al chet).” (Chabad.org) I know you’re all wondering, as I am, are Ro’i and Maayan really fasting today? How much sinning could they have accomplished since yesterday?

(9722) 563-9668


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