Exquisite & Irresistible Kosher Desserts

חגיגה לפה ולעיניים

One Serious Breakfast

pancakes cake

Mmm…pancakes. What’s the point of making one dessert look like another dessert? Honestly, I don’t know. Maybe it’s the sweet surprise of getting a mouthful of chocolate cake when you’re expecting something completely different?

The question here was how far to go with the illusion. Should I make fake whipped cream for the top or just use the real thing? Answer: fake, because real whipped cream wouldn’t hold its shape for very long.

Real strawberries or fondant? Answer: real: there’s no improving on the original.

Maple syrup or a facsimile? Answer: corn syrup. Go find real Canadian maple syrup in Jerusalem, and if you’re not using authentic Canadian syrup, why even bother?

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(9722) 563-9668


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