Exquisite & Irresistible Kosher Desserts

חגיגה לפה ולעיניים

Milestone Moments

aliyaversary cake

Making Aliya can be an exhilarating dream come true. It can also be a painfully difficult transition from one culture, language, and home to another. Once the euphoria wears off, the reality of beginning a new life far from home is often overwhelming.

This cake commemorates one young woman’s successful* first 10 years of living in Jerusalem. It celebrates many of the milestones of that era – the Nefesh B’Nefesh flight that brought her here, her job at The Jewish Agency, her favourite eateries and Israeli products, her hobbies, her beloved pet, and how she kept in touch with everyone she left back in the Old Country.


The best part of making this cake was actually getting to attend her 10th “Aliyaversary” party. Surrounded by the people who love her, the guest of honour spoke inspiringly about the adventure her Aliyah has been – occasionally difficult, often challenging, but offering a wealth of benefits beyond those promised by her Shaliach. As an example, she mentioned that all the friends present to celebrate the auspicious occasion were people she had only met after making Aliya, but who had become her family and her companions in the great adventure that is life in Israel. I am honoured to count myself among those new/old friends.

* Defining someone’s Aliya a “success” is tricky and a bit arbitrary, but if you are still here after a decade and the earth has not spat you out, you can probably count that as a triumph [see Leviticus 18:28].

** Don’t forget to enter the Design a Cake Contest! Deadline is August 15.

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  [email protected]

(9722) 563-9668


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