I think one of the reasons people get so excited about novelty cakes is that it’s art and dessert in one. Food is a consuming hobby, topic of conversation, and obsession for many. Which would explain the slightly bewildering and rapidly growing trend of fashioning cakes in the shape of other food.
What’s the point, I’ve wondered, of creating one dish, especially dessert, to resemble another? If you’re crazy about pancakes, why not just whip up a batch instead of cutting into a stack of chocolate faux flapjacks? Perhaps it’s precisely the pleasurable incongruity of a mouthful of sweet and crumby California sushi roll that is so irresistible.
Regardless, it’s an entertaining challenge to create these trompe l’oeil effects.* How greasy should I make those jelly doughnuts look? (Only mildly) How to create an authentic cheese topping on a pizza? (Run the fondant through a grater) What can I substitute for the tomato sauce on a bowl of spaghetti and meatballs? (Strawberry jam)
Stay tuned for part 2 next week when we bring you a bowl of achingly sweet popcorn, a bogus bagel and other delectable food fakery.
*Trompe l’oeil:
1) a style of painting in which objects are depicted with photographically realistic detail; also : the use of similar technique in interior decorating
2) something that misleads or deceives the senses, an illusion
(Merriam Webster)
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