Exquisite & Irresistible Kosher Desserts

חגיגה לפה ולעיניים

Hands Across America

Children Holding Hands Cake

Although in reality there was no connection at all, this cake reminds me of this event:

James S. Brady;Maureen E. Reagan;Ronald W. Reagan [& Family]

Hands Across America

   was a benefit event and publicity campaign staged on Sunday, May 25, 1986 in which approximately 6.5 million people held hands in a human chain for fifteen minutes along a path across the continental United States. Many participants donated ten dollars to reserve their place in line; the proceeds were donated to local charities to fight hunger and homelessness and help those in poverty. In order to allow the maximum number of people to participate, the path linked major cities and meandered back and forth within the cities. There were undoubtedly many breaks in the chain, but enough people participated to form an unbroken chain across the 48 contiguous states if the participants had been spread evenly along the route standing four feet (1.2 m) apart. Hands Across America raised $34 million. (Wikipedia)

The cake was actually designed for a girl who is characterized by her kindness and generosity (that’s her in the red dress), and it was meant to represent all the time she spends volunteering with kids. To be honest, I’m not sure it really got the point across, but she’s so sweet that I would never have known otherwise.

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