Exquisite & Irresistible Kosher Desserts

חגיגה לפה ולעיניים

Couch Potato

couch cake

I’m quite sure I’ve mentioned here how reluctant I am to repeat a cake design. The first time it’s a challenge, the second time there’s the opportunity to tweak it. If I’m required to make it a third time, well even when there’s room for improvement, it usually ends up more or less the same.

Now here’s a cake I get asked to make again and again – and usually by the same customer. True, some of the details are new: I’ve never made jeans before, and the woman is more anatomically correct than usual. This recipient is particularly fond of red lipstick, and smokes cigarettes – neither of which I’ve done previously. But these are minor details.

All to say that I think I’ve done all I can with the couch cake genre. Time to move on!

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