Exquisite & Irresistible Kosher Desserts

חגיגה לפה ולעיניים

All Sweetness And Light

Hanukkah candle cupcake

Now I know I’m jumping the gun a little bit with these cupcakes but to be fair, Israeli bakeries and supermarkets have been pushing sufganiyot (Chanukah jelly doughnuts) since the end of Sukkot a full two months ago. So by all standards I’m actually way behind. For those of you who need a break from the oil and fried dough, here’s a perfect solution!

And while you’re munching on your candle cookies, enjoy this great Jerusalem flash mob from a few years ago. I’m the one in red.

Order these Cupcakes Now

  [email protected]

(9722) 563-9668


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