Exquisite & Irresistible Kosher Desserts

חגיגה לפה ולעיניים

3rd Annual Design A Cake Contest

Apple honey cake

Rosh Hashanah is rapidly approaching. Time for the soul searching and stock taking to begin, but also the quest for a new New Year’s cake! In the past I’ve focused on an apple theme – universally recognizable and also quite attractive (as opposed to a shofar which, granted, serves an important function, but is somewhat less aesthetically pleasing).

For the past two years, I’ve turned to you for fresh ideas in the annual Design A Cake Contest. Last year the pomegranate cake pictured here was the winning suggestion. The winner received a box of apple slice cookies and the satisfaction of seeing her design recreated for thousands of (OK, some) Jerusalemites.


Of course both the apple and pomegranate cakes are available for anyone to order at any time. Happily though, I have many repeat customers and they understandably are not interested in receiving the same creation year after year.

That’s where you come in. Here’s your chance to express your creativity and enter the third annual Design A Cake Contest. No suggestion is unwelcome or too unusual. The winner will receive two dozen apple slice cookies to be delivered anywhere in Jerusalem, and the pleasure of seeing his/her idea featured in a future Cake of the Week post (attributed to you or not – whichever you prefer).

Enter as many times as you like. If the winning idea is submitted by more than one person, the prize will be awarded to the entry received first. Entries may be sent via the Contact Us link on this site. Contest ends September 4.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

[email protected]

(9722) 563-9668


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Previous Cakes of the Week: