Exquisite & Irresistible Kosher Desserts

חגיגה לפה ולעיניים

Fun And Games (Part 1)

billiard ball cupcakes

This is the first in a series of posts dedicated to the games people play (just the straightforward kind. For a psychological discussion of relationship manipulation, see: https://www.ericberne.com/games-people-play/).

Each billiard ball was represented by a cupcake and covered with the appropriate coloured fondant.

The cupcake craze has swept North America, and it’s a popular and enduring fad. Yet cupcakes are actually a fairly recent phenomenon in Israeli culture. In fact, there is no Hebrew word for them. The best the dictionary could do is קאפקייק – the English word transliterated, or עוגה אישית קטנה – little personal cake – slightly ungainly, you will agree.

So as a public service, I’m accepting submissions for a more appropriate name for these bite-sized delicacies. I will happily forward suggestions to The Academy of the Hebrew Language, (the august body responsible for “prescribing standards for modern Hebrew grammar, orthography, transliteration, and punctuation,” and the last word on all things Hebraic-ally linguistic) and print the best ideas right here in a future post.

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