Exquisite & Irresistible Kosher Desserts

חגיגה לפה ולעיניים

Batter Up

Yankees cake

As any Yankees fan – and really any baseball fan knows – Derek Jeter, the Yankees captain and shortstop, retired earlier this week. Jeter was with the Yankees for his entire 20-year professional career, and was a symbol of the team’s triumphs. Together with closer Mariano Rivera, who retired in 2013, he was a symbol of the World Series-winning Yankees of the late 90s. Jeter fittingly ended his career in triumph, with an RBI single – his 3,465th hit.

At this point, I’m guessing that you’ve gotten the impression that I’m an avid follower of all things Yankees. (Why, look at how I just whipped out that RBI stat – which incidentally raised Jeter’s career batting average to .310). The shameful truth is that I only ever attended one major league baseball game and it involved the Toronto Blue Jays playing some other team, the name of which I sadly cannot dredge from my memory. It was a bitingly cold day and the entire experience was mind-numbingly dull. By the seventh inning nobody had scored and eventually my incessant whining (let’s keep in mind that I was no more than 9. OK, actually about 12 but it was excruciatingly boring) convinced my father to pack us up and leave (to be fair, he was happy for any excuse to get out of there, although my brother fumed all the way home).

All this to say that while I can appreciate excellence in any field, baseball will probably never become an enduring passion of mine. Nevertheless, I can appreciate the signal achievement of a stellar career in any field. Not only that, all that Yankees paraphernalia sure make for a nice cake.

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