Exquisite & Irresistible Kosher Desserts

חגיגה לפה ולעיניים

Spring Is In The Air

baseball cake

Well, at least it is here in Jerusalem. For the rest of you who continue to suffer in the cold and snow, our deepest sympathies.

Tu Bishvat is behind us, the almond trees have blossomed, and baseball’s spring training has begun! Today the Philadelphia Phillies are playing the Houston Astros in a game that’s bound to be sensational. Or perhaps not, since probably nobody is all that emotionally invested in the outcome. Do people actually care about these pre-season games? Tickets range from $9-43, so I’m guessing the answer is, not really.

However, I suppose that if you’re a dyed-in-the-wool fan no game, no matter how insignificant the outcome, is trivial. So for the sake of the young recipient of this cake, Go Phillies! I hope you win!

phillies hat back

Don’t forget to enter our Win A Free Cake sweepstakes! Simply go to Temptations Israel’s Facebook page.

Like the page and the post, share it, and type “Bake Me A Cake” in the comments section. Good luck! Contest ends March 9.

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(9722) 563-9668


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