This cake didn’t pose much of a challenge, mainly because I gave up on even attempting the hardest element right at the start. There was just no way I was going to be able to successfully hand-paint classic face cards, so this guy is stuck with twos and fours. In my defense, the customer specified a poker cake – she didn’t mention whether the recipient was actually a proficient card player.
Incidentally, I would make an excellent poker player. I’m a stupendous liar, but I try to keep the lying in check because it just doesn’t seem sporting to my victims.
You’re probably asking yourself why I’m wasting my talents decorating cakes, and not on the professional poker circuit. One simple reason. Granted, I’ve only played a few times, but I simply cannot remember the order of the winning hands. It doesn’t matter how great a poker face you have when you need to whisper to the person on your left, “Remind me. What’s better – a flush or a full house?”
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