Exquisite & Irresistible Kosher Desserts

חגיגה לפה ולעיניים

Happy 6th Anniversary

heart collage of cakes Jerusalem

Happy 6th Anniversary to Cake of the Week! Can you believe that this blog has been running for six long years? Well, probably you can, since why would you have been paying that much attention to the passage of cake years? Yes, a cake year is similar to a human year in length. Except it’s always sweet and delicious, filled with only celebrations and jubilation. My wish to you on this glorious day is that your year always be as joyous as a cake year.

What have we been up to since our last anniversary? For those of you who have been following avidly, you’ll know that there has been lots of drama, controversy and excitement. Why, just last week we had a philosophical discussion about the very nature of colour. There was a nostalgic trip back to the 70s, and one to sunny Mexico. We swam with dolphins, and climbed the highest peaks. We even attempted some sports. And all without even having to leave the kitchen.


The Top Ten

 As in years past, it’s time to choose this season’s top ten cakes. I’ll tell you, it wasn’t easy. I had to be downright brutal in my selection process. This was a year of exceptionally fun challenges. And that was all due to you, loyal customers. I barely had to repeat any designs, nobody asked for anything mind-numbingly dull, and I even managed, ultimately, to narrowly avoid disasters.

So here they are, this year’s top ten, with one honourable mention because I simply couldn’t leave it out. Click on the photo or the title to read the original entry. See you back here in a few weeks’ time as we embark on our seventh exciting year.

Making Magic

Hogwarts cake Jerusalem

Extreme Makeover: Bob Edition

Bob the Builder cake Jerusalem

A Chocolate Moose Tale

moose cake Jerusalem

Would You Like Fries With That?

double cheeseburger cake Jerusalem

The Early Bird

romantic engagement cookies Jerusalem

First Impressions

Monet Water lily cake Jerusalem

I’m Lovin’ It

chicken nuggets cake Jerusalem

You Know The Drill

carpenter cake jerusalem

Got Milk?

anti-gravity milk carton cereal bowl cake

Born To Run


Honourable Mention

 A Fistful Of Dollars

leather briefcase cake with money spilling out sides
(9722) 563-9668


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Previous Cakes of the Week: